Performance Evaluations
2015 is missing, but I was promoted from Associate, so it must have gone alright :)
WHAT: Leading The Way
HOW: Leading The Way
Manager Comments:
Truly epic work this period. Epic...Excellent. You were a core member of the team that achieved Systems' most significant achievement in 2016: the ML1 sensor suite... Fast iteration is a true ninja skill you have!
WHAT: Leading The Way
HOW: Exceeding Expectations
Manager Comments:
Nicholas did a great job growing from the advice of last year. His output is tremendous, and he has the unique ability to both grow a network of trust with his colleagues, and deliver results exceptionally quickly. There is nobody else in Systems at his grade who can match his impact of contribution.
I have been impressed this year with how much he took last year's performance rating to heart. He grew both his network, and through hard work, made major contributions to a key area of our product. This combination of behavior and deliver is essential for Magic Leap's success. Providing continuous opportunities for Nicholas to grow in direct contributions to our codebase, direct contributions to our culture, and extensive mentorship in the areas of algorithms, architecture, and team leadership is a top priority of mine.
WHAT/HOW: [Missing due to incomplete record keeping, but I think 4/4]
Manager Comments:
Nicholas is spot on. Without his championing of the Passable World architecture, it would not have gotten to first turn on, [and] the revolutionary architecture would certainly not have.
I also had to do a lot of counseling for the members of your team, and your contributions were concretely felt. You did a great job of maintaining composure under pressure. Most importantly, Nicholas filled a gap in small team leadership, when their official leader had trouble keeping the team motivated. As Nicholas pointed out, almost the entire team transitioned to other areas.
Nicholas is very strong as a roll-up-his-sleeves contributor, and as an influencer. Next year, the role that he took on implicitly should become greater. Towards the end of this year, I asked Nicholas to become the official Systems point of contact for the Passable World and World Understanding Framework areas. These will become incredibly important in the future.
WHAT: Exceeding Expectations
HOW: Exceeding Expectations
Manager Comments:
I became Nicholas manager toward the end of the year (September). In this short amount of time, I've been able to realize how effective Nicholas is. He has been a driving force behind several key projects, including some projects that initially had a lot of push back (OR, Dimmer). That shows Nicholas capabilities of pushing through technical and political challenges, a combination of skills greatly appreciated for Systems engineer. Nicholas demonstrated that he was able to gracefully navigate a complex political landscape and rally people toward a common goal.
WHAT: 5/5 [Leading The Way]
HOW: 4/5 [Exceeding Expectations]
Manager Comments:
A lot of Nicholas's tasks this year required reaching out to external teams and consensus building. A tech lead position, in particular, requires a lot of social engineering. On top of this, Nicholas is a tireless advocate for Magic Leap's culture outside his regular work responsibilities.